Eniarof N°30 & N°31

In fall 2021 we had a very special opportunity to participate in Eniarof in Costa Rica and Mexico. Eniarof is a DIY fun fair founded by Antonin Fourneau, which has taken place in numerous cities. Usually the idea is to build a pop-up fun fair in about one week with local students, teachers and artists. The 30th edition of Eniarof was organised in San Jose in Costa Rica and followed by edition N°31 in Guadalajara, Mexico. These two events were made possible by our wonderful colleagues at French Alliances in San Jose and Guadalajara as well as the German Embassy in San Jose and Goethe-Zentrum Guadalajara. In both cities Niklas and I had the pleasure to work again with our good old Eniarof-colleagues Antonin, Lawrence, Guillaume and Eric.

In San Jose Eniarof was warmly welcomed in Amon Solar, a cool venue for music and alternative cultural activities. As usual, we first divided in teams and brainstormed how to fill the house with DIY games and other attractions. Several peculiar games came out of the intense workshop week, which you can see in the photos on the right. We had lots of curious visitors and ended the event with an exciting Tombolarof-lottery, where leftover used toys and other colourful materials were given out.

In Guadalajara we focused on experimental mini-golf, an idea that Antonin had been exploring recently. In teams we built 10+ experimental golf tracks, most of which included quirky electronic special effects. The visitors of French Alliance could go through the tracks one by one, calculating points along the way. Many of the tracks required, not only precision with a golf club, but also avoiding moving obstacles, or traveling with a space elevator or screaming out loud. See the photos for more details of the inventive contraptions!

The whole trip was truly an amazing experience and we want to dearly thank all the local people who cared for us and helped out with everything. Special thanks to Christina, Amandine, Diana and Amon Solar in San Jose, and Klaus, Lucano, Ivan, Mathilde and Sonja in Guadalajara. Many thanks also to Antonin, Lawrence and Guillaume for sharing the mind-blowing rain forests and tacos with us.